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Hello! My name is Chad Carmines. I am a licensed doctor of physical therapy. I worked as a physical therapist at an outpatient clinic in Palm Beach County, FL for one year following graduation from PT school. 


I decided to transition to becoming a personal trainer and health coach because I wanted to be able to provide the best care imaginable and as a physical therapist I often had 2-3 patients at a time, as well as insurance agencies placing unnecessary restrictions on the length of care and the types of services that would be covered.


I created PT Just For Me so that I could take all the knowledge and skills that I gained from my physical therapy education and experience, and use that to create an enjoyable, and productive experience for the individuals that I get the opportunity to work with as I help them achieve their health and wellness goals. 


A little background about me: I grew up in Charlottesville, VA. During my childhood and teenage years, all I cared about was playing sports. I played nearly every sport available, but my real passion was lacrosse. I never did achieve my aspirations of becoming a D1 lacrosse player. But in the pursuit of that dream, I fell in love with challenging myself to achieve various goals in regards to my




personal fitness. Therefore, when it came time to choose a subject as my college major, I decided to study kinesiology - the study of the mechanics of the human body. I attended college at James Madison University from 2013-2017. 


After college, I worked as a rehabilitation technician and secretary at a private physical therapy clinic in Harrisonburg, VA for over 2 years. I went on to complete my doctorate of physical therapy at Emory and Henry College from 2019-2022, serving as class president all 3 years. Then I worked at an outpatient physical therapy clinic in Palm Beach County for one year. During my time at that clinic, I was able to help dozens of individuals improve their quality of life by eliminating their pain and improving their ability to perform their daily activities. However, I couldn't help but acknowledge that in traditional physical therapy clinics there are numerous constraints that limit a physical therapist's ability to truly deliver optimal care for their patients. 


My desire has always been to help people. Therefore, I envisioned and created PT Just For Me, a system that I feel allows me to help my clients in the most comprehensive and least restrictive manner. This required removing insurance agencies from the operation. I understand that removing insurance requires a greater cost on the client. However, the service that I offer is far more valuable than any service that will be provided at a traditional physical therapy clinic or by another personal trainer. At a traditional physical therapy clinic in Palm Beach County, each therapist will typically have 2-3 patients at a time. With PT Just For Me, you will always have my undivided attention. I will not be overwhelmed with a high volume of patients or a high volume of documentation. I will take the time to listen to you and address your concerns. I am not concerned about meeting productivity standards. I don't have emails from a billing department that I will need to address while I'm with my clients. Those are all factors that contribute to physical therapists at traditional PT clinics being unable to provide high-quality services. I have completed two degrees through 7 years of higher education compared to the average personal training certification which is only 3-15 weeks of online education. I have removed as many barriers as I could so that I can devote 100% of my time towards helping you achieve your health, wellness, and fitness goals, so that you can have a happy, healthy, and pain-free life. 


  • DPT (Doctorate of Physical Therapy) - Emory and Henry College

  • Elected as class president

  • Completed doctorate-level courses on anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, neuroscience, pharmacology, pathophysiology, cardiopulmonary systems, wound healing, among several other subjects. 

  • B.S. of Kinesiology - James Madison University

  • Concentration in Exercise Science

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